Property Division Attorneys

Whether a marriage is long or short, the issue of property division must be examined in every divorce. Generally speaking property that was brought into the marriage by one spouse leaves the marriage with that spouse. However, there are exceptions to that rule. Knowing your legal options are key when dealing with this issue.

Skilled Property Division Lawyers

Whether a marriage is long or short, the issue of property division must be examined in every divorce. Generally speaking property that was brought into the marriage by one spouse leaves the marriage with that spouse. However, there are exceptions to that rule. Knowing your legal options are key when dealing with this issue.

Marital Property Vs Separate Property Division

Marital Property

Property that was acquired during the marriage is referred to as marital property. That includes real estate, furniture, appliances, bank accounts, retirement accounts and other “stuff” accumulated during the marriage.

Separate Property

Separate property is property that was acquired prior to the marriage. There are some special circumstances in which property received during the marriage can be considered separate properties.
Marital property is typically divided between the parties. The Court divides the property in an equitable manner. Although equitable typically is often interpreted as equal, it does not always work that way. In addition, it is possible that separate property can become marital property in some instances.
A skilled attorney with serious experience in assisting clients and their spouses divide their property is essential to protecting your rights. That is what you will find at Michigan Law Services, PLLC.

We put our client oriented L.E.G.E.N.D. method to work for our clients to ensure they are always protected.

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